"And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." - Acts 2:42
Parish Breakfast
Almost every Sunday morning, you can find church members gathering at 9 am for coffee, doughnuts, fruit, and breakfast casserole in the fellowship hall. During the school year, this gathering is a prelude to Sunday School. During the summer, it's just a chance to get together!
2022 Nativity Softball Team
We may not win every game, but no team in Greenwood has as much fun as we do! During June and July, dozens of members suit up and compete with other area churches, and plenty more come out to cheer the home team from the bleachers.
Potlucks & Special Events
Blessing of the Hunters - Men’s Steak Night 2021
Every few months, we gather after 10:30 church to share a meal, sometimes to transact church business, but most of all enjoy one another's company. Once a year, the men's steak night brings together men from across the community and raises money for the Nativity Day School.
Throughout the year, children's programming often becomes an excuse for church members of all ages to be together like the fiercely competitive chili cookoff at the Halloween Carnival or the too-good-to-pass-up pancake supper during the Wee-YC Mardi Gras parade.
Youth Ministries
Sunday Night Youth Group is open to all kids from 6th through 12th grades. These gatherings typically begin with dinner at 5 pm and at 5:30 shifts into programming that ranges from silliness to outreach to Bible study to prayer, and often all four! This gathering of youth helps to put on the annual Nativity Christmas pageant, Halloween carnival, Easter egg hunt, and Vacation Bible School. They also frequently spend a week together in mission, having slept and worked in New Orleans and Sunflower County.
In addition, occasional Wee-YC gatherings are planned to provide fun and fellowship for children ages 1-12 and their parents. These might take the form of an Easter Egg Hunt, a picnic in the park, or a movie night. And in the summer, we also encourage our kids to be part of the summer camping program at Camp Bratton-Green, the Episcopal Church in Mississippi’s camp located just north of Canton as well as other programming offered by the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi across the state.