A Note from Carrie - Expanding Worship

Dear Friends,

I have good news to share!  Bishop Seage is permitting churches to expand worship attendance following the same safety guidelines issued this summer.  (See the Bishop's letter attached/linked here)  Your Vestry and I will update the policies created for Nativity and remind you of those when we send out plans for our first service.  Watch for an email next week with details.  I know everyone is so eager to return like we're used to, but we still need to proceed with caution to keep each other healthy and safe and to keep the doors of the church open. 

We had such a lovely evening at our first Backyard Eucharist. It was great to hear voices joined in prayer along with the choir of cicadas and frogs.  The slight breeze was a reminder that the Holy Spirit moves among us.  Thank you to Clay for hosting us and to everyone who participated.  We will continue our series through September - not as a substitute for Sunday morning but as another meaningful way to worship God.  These gatherings also give me a chance to continue meeting more of you in a relaxed setting. 

See you soon!

