
Rogation Sunday

Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 6 for Nativity's annual Rogation Sunday celebration, an ancient church tradition of blessing seeds and fields, and asking God's blessing for the growing season. This year we'll gather at the home of Bob and Paula Provine, 11178 County Road 94 off Money Road at 5pm. Bring a beverage, an appetizer to share, and some farming or gardening item to have blessed when Peter celebrates a simple outdoor Eucharist.

Annual Parish Meeting

Please plan on being present for the 2018 annual parish meeting Sunday, January 14 after the 10:30 service. We’ll have a potluck meal together, hear from leadership on the state of the parish, elect new vestry members, and take a look at the first annual report of the Nativity Permanent Endowment. Additionally, the parish will be asked to approve one minor revision to the existing policies and guidelines of the endowment. Contact Peter if you would like more information on that revision.