
Vestry Nominations

The Nominating Committee of the Vestry has nominated Tish Goodman, Ben Hargett, Allison Harris, and Mary Gregory Porter for election to three year terms at our Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, January 20. In accordance with our by-laws, nominations for vestry by petition may be made to the rector until Sunday, January 6, provided that the petition be signed by four confirmed communicants of Nativity who are not currently members of the Vestry.

In addition, the Nominating Committee has also nominated Dean Kidd for election to a two-year term as Junior Warden, and Peter has nominated Perry Whites for election to a two-year term as Senior Warden. Thank you to all those who are willing to stand for election and serve in these roles!

Annual Parish Meeting

Please plan on being present for the 2018 annual parish meeting Sunday, January 14 after the 10:30 service. We’ll have a potluck meal together, hear from leadership on the state of the parish, elect new vestry members, and take a look at the first annual report of the Nativity Permanent Endowment. Additionally, the parish will be asked to approve one minor revision to the existing policies and guidelines of the endowment. Contact Peter if you would like more information on that revision.